Friday, November 29, 2019

Lab Report Surfactant Essay Example

Lab Report Surfactant Paper Surfactant is produced to make it easier for people to breath by reducing the surface tension of the water molecules that primarily compose the walls of the alveoli; it helps them to not tick together. For this experiment, we will be using milk and food coloring to represent the water (milk) and gas (food coloring) in the respiratory system. Because know milk is non-polar and food coloring is polar, my hypothesis predicts the two will not mix voluntarily at first, but the soap acting as a surfactant, when added, will help the two liquids mix together. Materials (Part on: water surface tension) 1- A penny 2- A dropper 3- Water 4- Paper towels (Part two: surfactant) 1- Milk 2-2 different color food coloring 3- Dishwashing soap 4- Cotton swab 5- A mall clear dish 6- Timer Paper towel 8- Water Method (Part one: water surface tension) 1- Place the penny in a flat area 2- Fill a dropper with water 3- One by one add the drops of water to the top of the penny 4- Measure how many drops fit until the drops break the surface tension of the water. Record results the results table 6- Placed the dish in a flat steady surface. 7- Then poured the milk making sure the whole bottom of the dish is covered. 8- Add four drops of food coloring to the center of the dish. 9- Let it rest for two minutes and then measure how far the coloring expanded. 10- Record in the exult chart 11- Dip the cotton swab in soap 12- Place the end of the cotton swab in the middle of the dish containing the milk and the food coloring. 13- Observe what happens to the food c oloring and record the result in the results chart. 4- Throw away the liquids and leave station clean after recording results. Results The average drops of water that a penny can hold without spilling the water is 24 drops. In my experiment the results were the following: Trial number Number of drops Try one 25 Try two 22 Try three 26 When the coloring was placed in the milk at the beginning, it didnt expand wrought the milk as quickly as when the soap was added. Without the soap Expanded 5 ml/min from the center. With the soap Expanded at CM/ sec from the center. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Surfactant specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Surfactant specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report Surfactant specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Conclusion My hypothesis is accepted. After I applied the drop of soap to the milk, the food coloring spread around. Why? At first, the food coloring just sat on the surface of the milk. Thats because food coloring is less dense than milk, so it floats on the surface. The milk didnt mix with the food coloring in the beginning because it wasnt stirred together. The soap reduces the surface tension of the ilk by dissolving the fat molecules, which is why whole milk works better. The surface of the milk outside the soap drop has a higher surface tension, so it pulls the surface away from that spot. The food coloring moves with the surface, streaming away from the soap drop. Due to the convection that results from the moving surface, the food coloring may be drawn down into the liquid, only to appear rising again somewhere else. When the soap finally gets evenly mixed into the milk, the action stops.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Define Project Success

How to Define Project Success Introduction Projects pose new opportunities and new challenges that are defined by their peculiarities. Projects as a phenomenon could be described by the following words: â€Å"limited, temporary, innovative, unique, and multidisciplinary† (Ika, 2009, p. 6). It is not surprising that a whole branch of management is nowadays devoted to this phenomenon. One of the related aspects that remain unsolved is that of project success and its assessment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How to Define Project Success? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More At the dawn of the project management, it was common to define the success with the help of the â€Å"iron triangle† which consists of time, quality, and costs. However, as the scientific and empirical material accumulated, it became evident that these three characteristics, important as they may be, are not enough, and the perspectives from which a project can be as sessed are extremely numerous (Ika, 2009). Apart from that, some factors of project success can be described as â€Å"implicit†, vague (such as, for example, customer’s satisfaction), and they are particularly difficult to assess (Ika, 2009). As a result, the question of defining projects success remains open. According to Welch-Devine (2012), one of the main problems that prevent scientists from creating valid guidelines for project evaluation is the absence of a clear, consistent definition of success in general. The author proceeds to point out that most works attempting to define success remain vague. Ika (2009) describes similar difficulties and, in fact, proceeds to explain the reasons due to which success as a notion is so challenging to define. At the same time, this problem does not appear to prevent researchers from attempting to suggest frameworks of project success assessment. In fact, recognizing the opinion that the notion of projects success leaves room for interpretation seems to be beneficial for studies: it encourages researchers to take into account a bigger scope of situations. The position of Welch-Devine (2012) is understandable since the vagueness of terms is not appreciated by science, and project success could certainly be defined as a term. However, it should be admitted that the multidimensional, complex nature of the notion makes it especially difficult to provide a valid definition of success (Ika, 2009). At the same time, defining success for particular projects seems to be a more manageable task. Definitely, the results of any project need to be studied from numerous points of view, but the scope of issues that is embraced by the general notion of success is much more extensive and much less assessable. It could be therefore concluded that defining the process of project success measurement may turn out to be more manageable and important than defining the notion of project success in general.Advertising Loo king for essay on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Points to Be Criticized According to Ika (2009), it is not uncommon for project management researchers to assume that the meaning of the notion of success is obvious (p. 6). This means that the problem of its definition is simply ignored. Alternatively, it may be solved by bringing in the notion of failure, which appears to be just as vague and relative as that of success (Ika, 2009). At the same time, it should be pointed out that in the context of project management both the ideas of success and failure are not always sufficient to describe the projects outcome. This happens due to the fact that the success of a project should be regarded from different perspectives (Ika, 2009). The examples for this point of view will be provided further in the paper. Therefore, it is useless to deny that the notion of success is not defined and stays vague the time being. It is also understandable that vagueness is not scientifically appreciated. However, it should also be pointed out that the notion of success is not the only vague term that is used in scientific studies. The attempts at defining the concept are definitely worth attention. At the same time, the attempts at creating a framework for the assessment of the success of particular project can turn out to be just as useful, especially right now, when the general phenomenon is not completely defined. To prove that the studies of the process of project success assessment are just as challenging and important as those of the generalized notion of success, we are going to dwell on the relativity of the issue and the interrelation of the concepts of success and failure. Project Success Definition While the generalized notion of success is indeed extremely broad, the assessment of every project success cannot be limited to the iron triangle as well. Instead, it is a complicated issue that requires extensive research. The Relativity of Failure and Success One of the factors that complicate the process of defining any projects success is the fact that it should be regarded from different perspectives. It is obvious that the various groups of stakeholders have different aims, and the research by Davis (2014) provides a consistent illustration to this fact. According to this research, a project manager is first and foremost interested in the costs of the project, and only then in the quality, while it is of primary concern for the customer. Apart from that, according to the study, the levels of quality which can satisfy the managers do not necessary coincide with those expected by the customer. Besides, while the mentioned factors are the most important for the selected groups of stakeholders, they are not the only ones that matter.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on How to Define Project Success? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, recent studies have underlined the importance of social and ecological outcomes which corresponds to the modern environmentalist trends and should be respected by a responsible company (Welch-Devine, 2012).  Apart from that, it could be useful to mention the difference between project management success and that of the project itself. Definitely, the two notions are interrelated, but the success of either does not immediately depend on or trigger the success of the other one (Bryde, 2003).  Still, the success of project management is, in my opinion, one of the components of the overall projects success that needs to be taken into account.  In order to provide the examples for this paper, Toyota Camry project is going to be described. Even though in 2008 Toyota officially left General Motors behind, becoming the largest car company in the world, that very year the company recalled more than 4 million vehicles. In 2010, another 2.3 million c ars were recalled, and the company admitted being in a crisis caused by the poor quality of its products (Andrews, Simon, Tian, Zhao, 2011). Technically, this crisis was caused by the mismanagement of a number of failed projects, for example, that of Toyota Camry, one of the models that were massively recalled because of acceleration problems. The first reports about these problems appeared in 1999, but the company denied being responsible for it. From the point of view of managers, at the time the project was a success: it was successfully carried out in accordance with the new cost-saving program (due to which the quality of the constituents was not exactly satisfying) and was being sold, bringing profit to the company (Andrews et al., 2011). However, such a project assessment was valid only in the short-time perspective.  From the point of view of the customers, a car with accelerating problems is a failure. Moreover, given the dangers connected to this particular kind of diff iculties, it is evident that the trust of the customers was reducing, and the reputation of the company was getting damaged. Later, Toyota further decreased customers satisfaction through a remarkably incompetent crisis management strategy. It appears, that the company refused to realize that while the success of a project can be assessed from the point of view of its management, other stages of a products life must also be taken into account. The Interrelation of Failure and Success While some of the aspects of the interrelation of failure and success have been mentioned in the previous section, there is more to be said in this respect.Advertising Looking for essay on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The big picture. Taking into account the big picture does not presuppose an unjustified broadening of the studies limits. It is obvious that the contribution of the project to the companys development is an important part of its success. The problem of Camry car project was neglected by Toyota for more than seven years mostly due to the fact that the companys success made its managers overly optimistic (Andrews et al., 2011). The company is still recovering from the damage dealt to its reputation, partially because it failed to assess the level of successfulness of their products and compare the worrisome tendency to the big picture in a proper way. A consolation prize: learning the lesson. Still, as we know, Toyota Camry has not disappeared from the market, and nor did other projects that proved to be unsuccessful from the point of view of the 2007 recall. Having learned its mistakes, Toyota pays more attention to the quality of its products and to the customers satisfaction. It ca n be proved by the fact that last year Toyota recalled more than 6.5 m cars worldwide (Rankin, 2014, para. 2). Even though this does not sound like success, it should be pointed out that the vehicles were recalled because of the problems that have been detected by the company but that had not led to any kind of trouble. To compare, General Motors also has to recall a number of cars, but this companys negligence has allegedly caused 13 deaths (Rankin, 2014, para. 14). Toyota has obviously learned the lessons of its failures and implements the new knowledge for new projects. It should be pointed out that the analysis of a project success is particularly important from the point of view of gaining experience. Scientific Guidelines All the information presented above proves the fact that the notion of project success is an extremely relative and complex issue. At the same time, it does not mean that a projects success cannot be measured. Quite the oppose: a projects success can and shou ld be measured; it is the notion of success as a whole that does not necessarily require a static definition in the context of a particular case study. Such an approach could cause difficulties and vagueness which is never appreciated in the scientific circles. However, it does not prevent researchers from finding generalized and universal frameworks for project success. For example, Todorović, Petrović, Mihić, Obradović, and Bushuyev (2015) suggest a framework that instructs a manager to take into account the key performance indicators that â€Å"represent a set of measurable data used for evaluating and measuring performances in implementation phase† (p. 774). While the authors do provide the examples of such factors, they do not attempt to enumerate them or to define the level of success for them. The resulting framework is not vague; it is schematic indeed, but it offers a structure of assessment for almost any kind of project. Being very flexible, it prov ides guidelines without constricting the researcher and encourages open-minded thinking. Conclusion Upon criticizing certain tendencies in project success assessment, the following points have been presented in this paper.  While the attempts at defining the notion of success have been made throughout the past decades, it appears that this problem has not been solved yet. Technically, the dichotomy of failure and success may be not a suitable framework for the assessment of a projects results. The assessment of every projects success is a complex process that is supposed to incorporate the investigation of its results perceived from numerous perspectives.  This does not mean that the success of a project cannot or should not be assessed. Quite the opposite: a consistent analysis of a projects success can provide the company with invaluable experience. It is obvious that if an existing framework is suitable for any particular case analysis, it should be used. Still, an analysis m ust not be limited to the usual guidelines. In case a company desires to learn and develop, its managers need to be open-minded about everything, including the assessment of project successfulness. References Andrews, A., Simon, J., Tian, F., Zhao, J. (2011). The Toyota Crisis: an Economic, Operational and Strategic Analysis of the Massive Recall. Management Research Review, 34(10), 1064-1077. doi:10.1108/01409171111171474 Bryde, D. (2003). Modelling Project Management Performance. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 20(2), 229-254. doi:10.1108/02656710310456635 Davis, K. (2014). Different Stakeholder Groups and Their Perceptions of Project Success. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), 189-201. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.02.006 Ika, L. (2009). Project Success as a Topic in Project Management Journals. Project Management Journal, 40(4), 6-19. doi:10.1002/pmj.20137 Rankin, J. (2014, April 9). Toyota Recalls More Than 6.5m Cars over Steering an d Seat Problems. The Guardian. Web. Todorović, M., Petrović, D., Mihić, M., Obradović, V., Bushuyev, S. (2015). Project Success Analysis Framework: a Knowledge-Based Approach in Project Management. International Journal of Project Management, 33(4), 772-783. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2014.10.009 Welch-Devine, M. (2012). Searching for Success: Defining Success in Co-Management. Human Organization, 71(4), 358-370. doi:10.17730/humo.71.4.y048347510304870

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Biofilms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Biofilms - Essay Example During the attachment, the initial colonists, characterized by weak van der Waals forces adhere to the surface which would anchor themselves permanently using adhesion molecules for instance pili, if not separated (Allison 29). The first colonists enhance the arrival of other cells through diverse adhesion hence building complex matrix that holds the biofilms together. Due to the weak van der Waals forces, not all the cells are able to attach themselves to the surface (Romeo 17). Others would anchor themselves to other colonists or the matrix; once the process of colonization has commenced biofilms grows and expands through combination of both cell recruitment and division (Wooldridge 41). The biofilms thrives in solid substrates exposed to/ or submerged in aqueous solution. However, there are many species of archaea and bacteria living in the matrix of excreted compounds of polymeric nature. Through the matrix is for facilitating communication among the cells and protecting them through physical and chemical signals (Brogden 12). However, some biofilms are characterized by water channels that assist in distribution of nutrients and signaling the molecules contained. The matrix formed it strong enough that in some cases, it would make the biofilms fossilize (Romeo 22). One of the common examples of biofilms is dental plaque; which is formed when the biofilms coating that builds up and turns teeth yellowish that when not removed regularly would cause dental caries. Some examples include archea, bacteria, fungi, filamentous and single cell algae diatoms, and protozoa (Brogden 28). Microbial biofilms lead to equipment damage, medical infection, energy losses and product contamination. They can cause infection of artificial heart as the colonization may present dire need for amputation or additional operations of it may

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Apologetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Apologetics - Essay Example On the other hand there have been apologetics that believe in religious pluralism and attempt to spread the message that all religions lead to the same god. This paper examines the statement of the apologetics and discusses what such statements mean. Hutchison (2003) asserts that religious pluralism is a type of interfaith dialogue that is conducted between people with from different religions to bring down tensions and conflicts in their religions. The concept gives rise to statements such as All Religions lead to the same God or that many paths lead to the one God and so on. Religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and others practice ‘universalism’ with a ‘Inclusivism’ mindset where gods from other religions are tolerated, accepted and members of other religions can be allowed to stay in peace. On the other hand, religions such as Islam, Christianity and other practice ‘Particularism’ with a ‘exclusivist’ mindset. These religions are not ready to accept other religions and call followers of other religions as pagans, heathens, infidels, unbelievers and so on and may take up crusades like Christians and Jihads like Muslims. Hutchison (2003) argues that religious pluralism is a much better way of resolving religious and sometime political conflicts and he endorses the belief that all religions lead to the same god. If the arguments for or against a particular god were limited to only theological discussions and arguments, then no harm would be done. However, religions hold much greater control over politics and passions of people an religious intolerance and issues are used as the flash point and reasons to settle other scores. The moot question is why does one believe in a particular religion and god and what does a person ask for when he is fervently offering prayers. Does the person pray to god to find a solution to his own financial and personal problems or does he pray that the neighbor also face the same problems? In a

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Correlation between obesity and poverty Annotated Bibliography

The Correlation between obesity and poverty - Annotated Bibliography Example The BMI of normal people lies below 25 kg/m2 (Kopelman, Caterson, & Dietz, 2010). According to Smith (2009), the BMI of an overweight individual lie between 25 kg/m2and 30 kg/m2, while the BMI of individuals suffering from obesity exceeds 30 kg/m2. Through studies, it has become apparent that obesity correlates with poverty. According to Smith (2009), poverty can lead to obesity, and at the same time, obesity can lead to poverty. Studies have shown that obesity and poverty can have a direct or indirect influence on each other. It is apparent that overweight and obesity correlate with poverty because most people do not afford healthier diets (Lane, 2006). Based on calories; diets composed of fish, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables enhance normal health, but they are far more expensive than diets consisting added fats, added sugars, and refined grains (Lane, 2006). In some American communities, local convenience stores do not offer vegetables, fruits, or other fresh, whole, and real foods. In an urban setting, an individual should have a car in order to access real foods that rural markets offer. Research shows that an attempt to reduce food expenditure tends to drive individuals toward added fats, added sugars, and refined grains, which have a likelihood of causing obesity. On the other hand, being obese can make an individual poor because obesity and overweight bring about various kinds of sicknesses. Sick individuals spend most of their time in hospitals and other health institutions, thus such individuals are not economically productive (Bolin & Cawley, 2007). Diseases associated with obesity include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and cancer (Blass, 2008). Those people who are suffering from obesity related ailments develop a weak health and cannot be able to contribute toward income generation in a significant manner. Diseases such as diabetes, heart

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Discharge Planning And Processing Nursing Care Nursing Essay

Discharge Planning And Processing Nursing Care Nursing Essay Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice. Nurses practice in a wide diversity of practice areas with a different scope of practice and level of prescriber authority in each. Many nurses provide care within the ordering scope of physicians, and this traditional role has come to shape the historic public image of nurses as care providers. However, nurses are permitted by most jurisdictions to practice independently in a variety of settings depending on training level. In the postwar period, nurse education has undergone a process of diversification towards advanced and specialized credentials, and many of the traditional regulations and provider roles are changing. Nursing care is understood as being particularly crucial during patients recovery from serious illness or injury. Classically, it was thought that people requiring these services were probably people who were bed ridden. The objective of health services delivery is not only to care for bed ridden people but also anybody else that have a condition that is reducing their quality of life. It is known that some diseases significantly reduce the quality of life led by individuals and not by necessarily sending them to bed. The aim of healthcare today is to assist any person with any disease, ailment or any form of suffering to recover and have a joyous and creative life. Another factor that makes a nurse to be specifically suited to their job is because they are trained about community care. They deliver care in the context of the whole community. They are able to reach the society or community and teach or assist them on the best way to care for various people needing care in a society. Psoriasis is a non-contagious disease that affects a peoples skin. It is found in a class of diseases that are described as immune mediated. It occurs when a persons body starts sensing the skin cells that are foreign cells of disease causing microorganisms hence reacting against them. For this reason, the body responds to this faulty signal by producing more skin cells. The patients skin cells in the affected places divide up to 10 times faster and lead to accumulation of dead cells on the surface. The skin of the patient appears to have a red plaque that is covered with white rashes. This disease is particularly acutely irritating and is probably the most frustrating and unpredictable skin disorder. This disorder is also the most inexplicable and continual skin illnesses. Some parts of the body are more affected by this disease than others. These include the scalp, elbows, and knees. Some other parts are affected but on rare instances. They include the soles, the palms, and the fee t. Commons symptoms of psoriasis include reddening of the skin with white or silvery scales occurring at the top. These areas can be exceedingly sore and may crack and bleed occasionally. In most cases, the affected patches expand and coalesce forming large and continuous patches. In other instances, this disease may affect the nails where nails become rough, crumbled or even detached from their bed. Another symptom that health care providers look for in diagnosing psoriasis is crusts, scales or plaques on a persons scalp. There are various aspects of care that a nurse considers during care delivery. These are sometimes utilized by professional nurses as a checklist to ensure that the care is all inclusive, and the process of recovery is holistic. The main aim of this assignment is to address the nursing care of a patient with psoriasis based on two aspects of care which include patient education and discharge planning and process. Patients Education of Psoriasis Patient It is essential in the nursing care process of a patient with psoriasis to be educated and advised on how to live with the society, to avoid psychological torture and lastly to meet the prescribed medical instruction. The Patients are reported to face stigma and antagonism by such other people in the society. They become less indispensable resource to the society and hence said to experience negative attitude for the firsthand. They have seen how a single look on them initiates talks among people among other forms of stigmatization. Nurses teach patients to become ambassadors of truth. The society mistreats its members through stigmatization because of ignorance. The nurses also educate patients on how to protect friends, relatives and other members of the community (Smith et al, 2002). Moreover in Medical care, the nurse give educational care techniques including assistance on the application of the medicine, monitoring the progress of the patient and advising the patients on the fa ctors that aggravate psoriasis. Secondly, the nurses have noticed that the patients due to stress are currently suffering from psychological disorders such as post traumatic stress disorders and anxiety. They feel neglected and thus they need psychological education. Some of the nurses collaborate with psychologists to educate both the society and the psoriasis patients. In most case, nurses find themselves in a situation where the psychological health of the patient is crucial. Some patient feel like their image has been dented after they suffer from a psoriasis attack. The nurse has to respond to this by educating the patient on how to deal with these psychological problems. Sometimes, the patient is so psychologically affected that the nurse has to refer the patient for specialized counseling among other interventions. Bearing in mind the wide spread nature of psoriasis nurses come up with a way of assisting the society. The challenge that nurses face is lack of an elaborate system of reaching the society in order to educate them. The patients are advised on how to live healthy and boost their self-esteem. Nurses take this opportunity to educate parents and guardians how to handle the case and enhance the recovery of the patient. These educational programs are currently found to improve the health of the patient and to reduce stigmatization directed to the skin infections victims. Also in some cases, nurses organize members of the public into groups which have initiated some sports or even meditation. Other benefits of these sports are they help to deal with behaviors such as scratching. Furthermore other patients educational campaigns carried out by the nurse are to educate the patients and the society on the symptoms and origin of the disease thus clearing misconceptions in peoples mind. For example, some people believe that psoriasis is a sign of a curse, due to this they fail to take the medication and the advice seriously. It jeopardizes the process of treatment exceedingly and seriously. It may even increase stigma; people do not want to get close or in contact with a cursed person. Even when such people should be giving care, they stay away due to unreasonable fear. It becomes the responsibilities of nurses to shed more light on psoriasis. Friends, family, and people living with the affected individuals are educated to provide the necessary support for the patient. Lastly, the nurses are currently educating the patients who ignorantly fear to access the medical services due to been noticed that medical services will save them a lot from the disease. In some cases, it may disappear, in others it does not; thus, medical help is required. Additionally, it may leave an individual with extraordinarily large psychological problems that require specialized assistance. In most cases, nurses know specialists who can counsel and help the patient to fully recover. Nurses offer their advice regarding medical care and refer the patient for further counseling and peer support. In home care, the nurses are also educating the patients on how to handle stress. Medically, it is known that the careless and irresponsible behaviors that people develop during the stress cause psoriasis. Such behavior may include rubbing of hands and face. Stressed people have destructive tendencies of holding into anything and bringing things in contact with their faces. During care of a patient or other members of the community, the nurses shed more light on these issues so that people can lead a more informed life. They are also advised to protect themselves against excessive exposure to sunshine that can aggravate psoriasis especially during the summer periods. It is a method of illnesses prevention in a community, as observation of such basic rules can keep psoriasis at bay, at least for some people for some time (Walji et al, 1994). Thus in summary, the nurse has been carrying out the patients education across the medical services, stigmatizations and stress from other people, misconceptions and myths about the origin of the disease, treatment methods, society approach to psoriasis victims and lastly on how to handle psychological perception found to affect them adversely. Discharge Planning and Processing of Nursing Care Acute based care hospital discharge planning and process starts immediately upon admission in the hospitals. In most cases it is found to ensure that the nurses follow the right psoriasis disease medical guidelines and system (Fabian et al, 2011). It is defined as a multi-disciplinary nursing approach by the nurses and other medical practitioners to the patients signs, treatment process and discharging means. It involves several planning process, as described below. Immediately after admission of the patient, the first step in the nursing care designing planning and process is to examine the skin in general circumstances. The nurse should contact this within three hours. At the same time the patient is prepared for discharging through contacting the Medicare organizations such as insurance. At the same time the nurse should interview the patients about the problems linked to the disease, when did it start, what are some of the medications the patient accessed before and lastly, whether they have any hereditary problem of the disease across their family lineage. The next planning process is the nurse to describe the information given in line to the prevailing psoriasis diagnosis where the patient is taken for laboratory medical examination. At this process, the patients are instructed not to scratch themselves even if they are itching and home cares prepared for discharging process .This help to reduce more infections and complications. Moreover, in this stage, the patients are instructed to isolate themselves from other people in the society, utilize their own clothing and even take bath using bath oils. Moreover, the patient should avoid any skin injury that is going to complicate the medical process (Walji .Kingston, 1994) Third step in the discharge of nursing care planning method include keeping the skin moist. The nurses are trained to apply epidemiological prescription to ensure the patient skin is moist and thus not to itch. This involves reducing the scales by applying the necessary medical bath oils and staying in a cool place free from any dust and high temperature. The patients are also provided with some injections and clothing necessary to reduce itching, smell and pain. In the next stage, the patients are nursed in a manner as to keep the wounds clean and to apply the necessary antibiotics carefully and skillfully. This ensures that the patients do not have pain and itching is reduced. The nurses take this opportunity to educate the family members on how to prescribe the medical drugs to the psoriasis patients and thus improved services. At this moment, the nurses must monitor the risk of infections, outcomes of the disease and lastly the implication of the bath oil to the skin (Papadopoulo s Walker, 2003). Lastly, some of the patients found to be stressed, stigmatized and psychologically affected are provided with advices or even referred to psychologists for guidance and counseling. The nurses have a goal to improve the mind perceptions of the patients and to positively impact on their health. The nurses consider some numerous patients factors in the process of discharging the duties. They have to make necessary recommendations in line to the Medicare guideline so as to ensure that psoriasis patients enjoy the best Medicare services (Braverman, 1998). In the process, they must have insurance and Medicare eligibility so as to ensure that the psoriasis patient has in-patient services and hospitalized for at least three consecutive calendar years for observation purposes. Secondly, they must observe the cognitive status and especially their safety awareness while in the discharging process. This helps in reducing unnecessary infections to both the nurses and other patients. The clothing and bed sheets of the psoriasis infections must be handled with a lot of care (Camisa, 1994). Lastly, the nurses should observe the illness history and the future falls of the patient. Moreover, other factors that should be observed in the planning and discharge of psoriasis patients includes; age, living situation and lastly the daily nutrition and activities of the patients. Conclusion The nursing process of any psoriasis patient does not just require observation of the two aspects discussed above. Rather than that, it require all the nurses and medical practitioners to maintain people medical services to the patients, educate them and plan for the discharge process well. This will help to improve the health of this skin condition victim and reduce society misconception about the disease.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Vietnam: The Mixture of Protests and Politics Essay -- essays research

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States was unjustified in its involvement in the Vietnam War because, in my opinion, the U.S had little justification to sacrifice thousands of innocent youths for political ideals. It was the longest and most unpopular war in which the United States fought. Many Americans on the home front protested their government’s involvement in the war. Many young Americans felt that there was no reason to fight for a cause they did not believe in, especially in such a strange foreign country. The civil rights movement also strongly influenced many of the war protests. This was because such a large percentage of minority soldiers sent over to fight were being unfairly treated. The African American soldiers were being ordered to the frontlines more often than white soldiers were.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another vigorously protested topics of the Vietnam War was Conscription. Most of two million soldiers who fought in the war were chosen through the Selective Service program. The draft policy has been an imprint of America the Civil War. This policy has been used in every major United States war since. Young adult males were required to register for the draft when they turned eighteen years old. A lottery system decided who would be called to combat. If selected for the draft, the draftee had to serve 24 months of active duty. During the Vietnam War, the hostility Americans felt towards the draft erupted and caused major protests across the nation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They are where many ways people protested the draft. Some eligible draft members avoided the draft by leaving the country for Canada, Sweden, and a number of other countries. Other men protested by publicly burning their draft cards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lyndon B. Johnson won the presidential election on November 1, 1964. Despite the tension between the â€Å"Doves† and the â€Å"Hawks†, president Lyndon B. Johnson stood by his policy of slow escalation. As he began his term in office in 1965, he was confident that his programs to better the nation would be established despite that â€Å"nagging little war in Vietnam†# as News Week reported it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Protests have long been a way for people to display their difference in opinion and gain support. One of the many protests against the war that had a powerful effect on public opini... ...been involved in because it was against an unknown enemy in an unknown territory. The consequences of the war far exceed the benefits. The citizens during that period of time would definitely agree. The war caused a severe decrease in the countries moral. Many people no longer trusted the government and grew extremely skeptical of its actions. The recession soon after the war did not help in boosting the spirit of the country. The Vietnam war also exposed many of the United States‘ weaknesses. It showed that our government had planned poorly. It also showed that it was possible to resist the United States as a mass. There is a major difference between one disagreeing voice and a vast number of them. In the end the United States had devastating losses socially and economically. Protests and politics will always go hand in hand when the â€Å"sheep† disagree with the â€Å"herderâ€Å". Bibliography: - Nhu Tang, Truong. 1985. A Vietcong Memoir. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers - Dougan C. & Lipsman S. 1984 The Vietnam Experience: A Nation Divided. Boston: Boston Publishing - McDougal Littell. 2003 World History. United States of America -

Monday, November 11, 2019

John F Kennedy’s Rice Stadium Moon Speech Analysis Essay

Since the industrial revolution, countries have been competing against each other to see who is the most advanced in medicine, technology, and education.In 1957, Russia successfully launched the first artificial satellite, this had started the space age and the United States of America and the U.S.S.R. space race. President John F Kennedy delivered the Rice stadium moon speech in hopes of persuading the American people to support NASA’s intention to send a space craft to the moon. Kennedy attempts to do this by the use of syntax and ethos. Kennedy begins by trying to establish credibility with his student audience by the use of ethos. Kennedy is made an â€Å"honorary visiting professor† and states that his â€Å"first lecture will be very brief†. By putting himself into the position of a professor, he tries to convey to his student audience that he will teach them something important and to open their minds to him. He then lists how humans have advanced learning to â€Å"use skins of animals to cover them† to developing â€Å"penicillin†¦television and nuclear power†. By listing these advancements in mankind, Kennedy shows the audience his knowledge and gives them another reason to trust what he is saying. In gaining the audiences trust, Kennedy can easily persuade them to support NASA’s intentions of sending an aircraft to the moon. The word choice and sentence structure Kennedy uses to deliver his speech helps to persuade American citizens to support NASA’s intentions. Kennedy uses phrases such as â€Å"10,000 automobiles†¦as tall as a 48 story structure†¦ [and] as wide as a city block†. He uses lament terms to appeal to the commons man’s ballpark figure of everyday lengths and power. With better understanding of what Kennedy is saying, his student audience can support NASA with their acquired knowledge. He then states how his surroundings are â€Å"noted for† knowledge, progress, and strength. By his word choice he helps to instill a sense of pride for the homeland. This promotes nationalism among the audience and their desire for their country to be helpful.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Is YouTube Hurting our Kids Professor Ramos Blog

Is YouTube Hurting our Kids Since the mid 2000s YouTube has gotten very popular and it’s just been growing every year. But the one thing that we don’t realize is just how big is to big. Every day videos are uploaded in YouTube, the next big video will be shown on the Internet, and the next star. I see YouTube as tool that can’t be use right for are kids, but we also have to watch the dark side of YouTube. In discussion of YouTube, one controversial issue has been is YouTube safe for our kids. On the one hand, it doesn’t have enough filters contends to many uncensored videos online. Others even maintain it hurts them emotion and mentally and also some videos are mostly targeting are kids. My own view is as a parent I could relate it’s easy for us to just give them an electronic device to keep them distraction, but we also need to be careful what they are watching in article from USA Today states, â€Å"YouTube said it turned off comments on 625,000 videos and deleted 150,000 videos that were targeted by child predators.(Grahams, USATODAY). A CHILD PREDATOR uploaded a video on YouTube that could contain very bad content. Then again there are no relegation on who could upload a video. Like any other company in order to become big they need to protect their YoutTubers because they get a lot of views and a lot of billion on advertising. Like Logan Paul especially had a big c ontroversial issue for showing a real life dead body that was hanging from a tree in japan. In his video he laughs about it and doesn’t realize what effect people might take it. Had over six million views less than an hour been uploaded and most of his followers then again are kids that fallow him and of you look at his channel mostly dumb and outrages videos he does to promote. YouTube has a lot in their hands they can’t control even with their filter just installing the app is easy its free. If you go and look on the image on the left, you could see the rating is for Teen and that 23,448,364 are install either on their phones or tablets still not including computer. With no context letting the user what kind of graphic video you might see. My feeling on the issue are mixed. There is good information on YouTube how well-educated videos that are uploaded. In my experience I do use YouTube for day to day task like how to teach my sons how to read, how to do some fun activities, my son Andrew also likes to watch soccer videos and how to become a better goal keeper. YouTube has variety of good contents and followers to watch. In article by Forbes it sates, â€Å"What makes these YouTube educational channels so successful may be the very element of entertainment students may not receive in the classroom.† (Hua, FORBES) what some are true. I don’t blame my sons teacher in anyways but something he doesn’t get I’ll try to find someone in YouTube that could help us what issue there having and we could resolve it and I do notice it like for example we watching a video how to improve your word sounding this YouTuber called, â€Å"Pebbles Kids Learning† channel help him a lot it wasn’t bori ng to him he was having fun while watching this video on YouTube. Like what Karen states, â€Å"In fact, education videos are viewed twice as often as those found in the Pets Animals category.† (Hua, Forbes) so means that children and even teens use YouTube for education purpose. YouTube has also created a new App called YouTube for kids which is targeted only kids that are in the elementary age. Which G rated context that very education and fun to watch. What I learn so far is that being a parent I have to be more careful on what my sons are watching. I was born during 90’s we didn’t have much technology growing up as the only action I got to watch was when my dad was watching Alfonso Zayas (Mexican Actor in the Early 80’s) movies especially â€Å"La Risa En Vacaciones† collection those were graphics videos then again, my parents didn’t have filters. All we need to is just monitor on what there watching and explain to them it’s not good watch and if you have any concerns not afraid to ask. : Authors:Jefferson Graham USA TODAYSource:USA Today. 11/30/2017. Authors:Jessica Guynn USA TODAYSource:USA Today. 01/04/2018. Karen Hua , Forbes Staff  Jun 23, 2015 @ 12:28 PM

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

CMOE gone wild Essay

CMOE gone wild Essay CMOE gone wild Essay When you walk into CMOE there is such a converting and relax atmosphere. It doesn’t matter what your kids enjoy or their interest you will want to take them to CMOE not just because of what all you can observe there, but also because of how the staff acts and there goals and ideas. When talking to Emily Endress and Stephanie Terry I could quickly see that this isn’t just their job, it is also their passion, they want to bring the best atmosphere for kids to learn but have fun when they are learning, and there will be no boundaries on what they want CMOE to become. From the beginning of the interview all the way to the time I left I was nothing but impressed because of not just with the words they used to answer our questions but the way they answered them. To me in communications it’s not all about the words you use but all the other factors are just as important to me, such as their tone and all the non-verbal’s. When she answered the question about what led her to get involved in this type of work, you could see the fire and passion just light up in her eyes as she began to explain how she first got a part time job here and got the opportunity to work at the summer camp. She absolutely loved it, she didn’t have anything negative to say about it. She then led on to say that she had her teaching degree, enjoyed teaching but was not a fan of the traditional school setting. She wanted to be able to teach the things the kids had to learn like CMOE was doing, rather than books, paper and test setting. A job opened up at CMOE and she didn’t want anything less than that job. It just shows you that this wasn’t there last resort to a job, it was the exact opposite. They want to work here they want this type of job. CMOE is most definitely not your normal museum, it has pretty much been the same museum these last six to seven years. They know that is definitely time for change. To some people it is always just about how things places are operated, or what they have to offer, or even the people that work there. They are more worried about what they will observe when they are there to see how things are working all the time. What you observe at a place leaves a lasting impression. When I got the opportunity to visit CMOE the most important things I observed was the first impression, how everything was set up, and the staff that worked there. In life no matter what you are doing or where you are at or how old you are, first impressions are everything. You can redo a first impression. That is one of the main reasons that I knew the moment I opened the door at CMOE and I would get my first impression that, that would determine how the next 2 hours of the interview would go. When I walked through the door all I could see was warming, friendly smiles from the workers all the way to the youngest kids that were there playing. You would just know that everybody seemed to be in a good mood and that there wasn’t very much negativity in the room. My first impression was not only that I felt very welcomed but also that I was impressed by how everything was set up. When you go into a building I am always curious, first how is it set up, second why is it set up this way. You never want to have too much in the front room and you never want to have not enough. I noticed that when I walked in they had some pretty cool things to look at and some simple items that you could play with no matter how old you were. It almost like they were giving you a quick overview on what you were going to get to experience

Monday, November 4, 2019

W Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

W - Essay Example Oligopoly involves a market with a limited number of sellers. Monopsony is market with several sellers and a single buyer. Chamberlin’s most outstanding contribution to imperfect competition is the theory on monopolistic competition. This theory provides that there are several consumers and producers in a market and no one has total control of the market price. There is an existence of non-price differences between products with limited barriers to entry and exit. In this market, the producers also have some level of control over prices. Chamberlin conceived production differentiation, which describes the ability of producers to charge different prices for the same product in different markets (Chamberlin 519). Robinson’s contribution to imperfect competition centers on monopsony, which was conceived in her book ‘The economics of imperfect competition’. The term is often associated with the purchase of labor where the employer possess the power to set wages which allows them to pay the workers less than their marginal productivity (Helpman 54). Alfred Marshall was an economist and the founder of neoclassical economics. Marshalls book the ‘Principles of Economics’ introduced the concepts of integrating demand, supply, cost of production and marginal utility. This book was widely used because it introduced radical changes on how to teach economics. Unlike other books, which were written is solely in paragraphs, the book incorporated diagrams to allow for better understanding. Marshall’s concepts made a significant contribution to neoclassical economics. Among these contributions is the analysis of price. According to Marshall, consumers act rationally and seek to maximize utility while producers seek maximum rewards. The equilibrium price and quantity can be determined by drawing a demand and supply curve. His analysis of price emphasized the cost of production as a

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Police Officers Injuries related to work and what ii the solution Essay

Police Officers Injuries related to work and what ii the solution - Essay Example This is mainly evidence with patrol police officers who receive injuries or meet their deaths when they are outside their patrol vehicles. Arguably, few professionals experience the injury threats that police officers face during their careers. Health workplace is the key to any effective and successful law enforcement department. The department of police should understand that healthy police officers who work under safety and healthy workplaces are able to better perform their duties and serve the community effectively. The department executives must ensure that police agencies support the police officers’ safety and healthy. For, instance, the department of police should incorporate adequate measures to protect the employees from the adverse threats, which they face during their operations (Gundersen and Robert 62). Police executives should ask several questions to ensure the police officers’ wellbeing is fully protected (Ball 47). For example, what are the basic health and safety measures should the police department ensures to its employees? During large-scale epidemics, such as fighting against a terrorist group, which are the appropriate safety and health measures to ensure the police officers are healt hy and are able to undertake their duties? What benefits should the police officers derive from the health and safety program? This essay aims at explaining the types of injuries, police officers face during the line of duty and the appropriate safety and health programs that police department should implement (Gundersen and Robert 65). The paper also purports to provide some considerations for strengthening the current safety and health programs. This document begins with explaining the various types of injuries, police officers face related to their duties (Ball 49). It further proposes several health and safety programs that police departments should implement and explaining their benefits and stressing that it is only through the